For the past 6-weeks, the Mighty Writers South Philadelphia location has been hosting the Diamond Daughter Corporation, where we shared...
Etiquette 101
“Elegance is the only beauty that never fades” Audrey Hepburn On Tuesday, the young women were able to get some hands-on experience with...
You are Your Own Billboard
Your Own Billboard? What does that even mean? Well just like a billboard above Times Square or the Los Angeles 405 Freeway, you are...
You are a Super Woman!
The evening started with a quick check-in from the group and flowed into our favorite part of the night, “What’s your Power Pose?”. For...
We Did It!!
It all began on the evening of Tuesday, October 10th at the Mighty Writers South Philly location. The Diamond Daughter Corporation hosted...
Drumroll Please.....
Happy Tuesday Everyone! The Diamond Daughter Corporation have been waiting in anticipation and excitement for this Tuesday October 10,...
DDC within the Community
On Tuesday October 2nd, our Founder Angela Deery, was invited by the Women of Tomorrow Mentor & Scholarship Program to sit and chat with...
Welcome Diamond Daughters!!
We are so happy to get things started, it has been a long time coming. Let us begin by saying “Thank you!”, we would not have been able...